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Anti-Embolism (TED)

18-21 mmHg

Anti-emboli stockings are used instead of expensive compression bandages, and provides optimal compression of theater. 
They are known from the hospitals, where they will be handed out at the end of surgery. They are also known as TED stockings.


Anti-embolism stockings are designed for patients who can’t get out of bed (in medical terms also known as non-ambulatory patients). The purpose of these socks is to help prevent the accumulation of blood in the leg veins, in situations that may be at increased risk (after surgery or during birth), the formation of blood clots in the veins also known as venous thrombosis or thromboembolism.

TED socks are usually not intended for long-term use on a patient. Anti-embolism stockings has graduated compression that are in the range of 18-21 mmHg. Graduated compression stockings means that the applied compression is the highest in the ankle area and gradually decreases moving on up the leg. TED stockings are designed with a practical "inspection hole" in the toe area for easy monitoring of the patient's circulation and vital signs.

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